I'm finally understanding what Shilo said last fall about "push and pull" regarding the darks and lights from the overlapping layers. I got to use my Oil Sticks and that was kind of interesting. I recognized that I need a wider brush. Also, Shilo keeps reminding me to let go of the fear and go wild. That DOES seem to help!

For "Foxglove" which I was worried was getting too representational, Shilo had me turn it sideways and work on the floor (as opposed to on the easel.) That helped a lot. It's looking better. Almost there. Needs some light silvery and blue greens.

And I was not happy that the 3 paintings were looking quite alike, palette-wise. Well, "Beets" certainly has taken a departure from the others. Maybe too much so. I probably need to add back the reds and violets over most of that orange. And it looks like I lost a lot of the darks. Will have to work on that too.

Didn't get to work too much on "Red Chard" but just by putting a few large strokes across the vertical "stalks" it has changed quite a bit. Also added a bigger patch of violet and lots of shades of purple. Need to put on the greens next.