For the second painting class, I selected 3 of the 6 canvases to work on. This time I had the photos printed and taped them next to each painting for palette reference. I decided to work on "Beet", "Foxglove" and "Red Chard" (for lack of better title) because they all had in common the reds and violets and I thought that would simplify my color mixing.
Shilo guided me with mixing the paint in buckets--how little paint to use vs. how much turpenoid; then split this between 2 or 3 buckets for similar color families, etc. Sounds basic, but this is all new to me, this way of abstract painting.
The day's task was to develop the paintings by putting in the darks. I mixed blue greens, olive greens, dark purple violets and red violets. I also mixed a little bit of dark brownish violet (mixed some blue green into the red violet) for the shadows of the foxglove. Here they are, after Week 2. They all kind of look the same at this point. I still am not sure what they will end up looking like, stylistically, by the last class (Week 6) but I like the abstractness so far, and they still look inspired by nature.

I took the other 3 canvases home and worked on them that night. Again, for lack of better titles, I'll refer to them as "Snapdragon", "Maple and Iris" and "Hakonechloa, geranium and blue spikes". Shilo said I should just name them "1" through "6", but for me, the plant names help me visualize color palette.


"Maple tree w/ blue iris"

"Hakonechloa, geranium and blue spikes"