Tuesday, May 11, 2010

painting at home

I took home "Foxglove", "Beets" and "Red Chard" to work on at home after the 3rd session. I had a heck of a time when I added Titanium White for "Foxglove". Everything looked very chalky and opaque. So I scraped or wiped most of it off. I decided to try adding Liquin to make it more transparent. It was okay, but thicker, so I had to scrape off the drips. Still not quite sure how to handle the opaqueness. Maybe paint thinned out magenta over the opaque "white"? I'll have to try that after the paint dries. Also, I'm concerned that it is looking rather representational, so I need to change that.

For "Beets" I added more burgundy/brown and olive green and ochre. It's looking very dense (as opposed to "airy" and very dark. I guess the next step will be to add in lights?

Didn't do too much to "Red Chard" and, as a result, I like it best of the three! It still has that fresh look. I only added a few long "stalky" strokes in magenta and a few dark burgundy patches. I think the next step is to add more greens.

Not too happy with these 3. They still all look kind of the same, in terms of color palette. They haven't developed into their own painting the way the other 3 have. I guess when I paint at home (without Shilo), I don't feel that "at home" painting.