Monday, February 15, 2010

filling the blank canvas

As usual, I should have left well enough alone.

While I liked the simplicity and calligraphic qualities of this painting, I felt it had perhaps too limited a color palette.

So I added more paint. Not a good choice. I thought green would harmonize with the blue, but it was not the right green. So I had to scrape, wipe off, paint over. I'm not thrilled about the painting at this stage.

I am still determined to keep plenty of white in this painting, in attempt to a) keep it somewhat light compared to my last few paintings, and b) have some "calm" spots for the eye to rest, and c) just to see if I can do it.

I am also trying to be careful with my color palette.

So while keeping these goals in mind for this painting, I am learning an awful lot about self-control, and of course, color theory and paint handling. I've got a LONG way to go!!!