We had our 3rd class. Shiloh talked about taping off parts of our paintings that we wanted to "save". Of course, we might paint over it eventually, but it's a way to have bits of under painting show through the work later on.
I didn't get it. I mean, I taped up my work in random places, but after I painted over it and removed the tape, my painting was still not a masterpiece!
So, more layers, more paint. I tried to execute the "push/pull" concept Shiloh talked about: bringing back colors that had been partially painted over, trying to get a weaving effect going. Again, I obviously need more practice here!
We had critique at the end of class and that was quite helpful. It was very interesting to see how everyone's work evolved during the 2 hour class. There are 4 students, including myself, and we are all very different in our styles and level of experience. None of us had ever done abstract painting before and most of us felt we didn't know what we were doing. But the one thing I observed about other 3 is that they have NO FEAR.
Not me. Fear is a bad, bad thing. And I have lots of it.
I have known this for a while. I don't mean fear of things one should be afraid about. I mean fear of screwing up my paintings. "It's only paint." Duh, I know that!
Fear. And impatience. That's my other problem. So I am working very hard at "walking away", "looking at it with fresh eyes", all that stuff. Then, if it's not "good" I can scrape it off, or leave it and look at it again later, paint over it, whatever.
Painting is hard work. But I already knew that.