Tuesday, August 24, 2010

it's not over yet

It's getting there, but it doesn't seem to have the energy and freshness that I want. I guess that means I need to splash and slash and scratch on a few more strokes. But it's getting there.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in...

I was liking the direction the painting was going, with a lot of toned down and "whited out"areas. Much calmer than any of my previous works in progress.

But when I brought it to class, the reaction was decidedly underwhelmed. I couldn't really justify the reason for the change in energy and style (?) --other than I don't yet have one.

So, maybe my painting moods are bi-polar. All I know is that I liked the control I felt with the "whited out" painting. So, for no reason, other than peer pressure, I went back to the "wild" style. But perhaps a breakthrough - I am actually spending more time looking, and then applying strokes strategically. A few more scribbles, some yellow, some brown, more white and a big red line. Hopefully, the strokes haven't lost the wild and aggressive energy.