So I futzed with the painting AGAIN and surprise, surprise....I didn't kill it.... yet.
I added an orange "blanket" under the Tori figure so that hopefully it now looks like the she is sitting behind the dog and not levitating on top of it. (It would have been nice if I had a "before photo" so you could see the amazing levitating figure.)
Not sure I like what the vertical edge of the blanket is doing to the composition, though.
Another discovery...Liquin added to the oil paint makes it all dry quicker. Much quicker. That was pretty thick paint yesterday and I'm very surprised that it's all dried today. Learn something new every day...
So now I'm looking at the painting and I think I need to add hair to the figure so it looks more like Tori, and not so androgynous. Also need to work on that blanket edge.
Dang. I'm asking for trouble. Living dangerously.